

Im Vorfeld des diesjährigen Online-Karrieretags in Hamburg sammeln wir Stimmen der Aussteller, die über die Vorzüge der Digitalbranche und ihres Unternehmens, den perfekten Bewerber sowie ihren konkreten Mitarbeiterbedarf im Online-Bereich sprechen. Heute im Interview: Paul Jozefak und Michael Backes, die Geschäftsführer von Liquid Labs. Potion version 1 (non-editable web-ready file) 1. Warum seid ihr auf dem Online-Karrieretag 2014 in Hamburg vertreten? We are here in order to find the next generation of people who want to build and lead tomorrow's companies. We offer something different and unique, and we want to showcase that someplace where like-minded people are present. 2. Was macht die Digitalbranche so interessant für euch? Information and the flow of it has the potential to disrupt every industry on the planet. It's not about e-Commerce anymore. It's about how do I get rid of my bank? How do I discover something near me? How can data be used to give us actual answers to questions? 3. In welchen Bereichen habt ihr Mitarbeiterbedarf?+ Like any technology startup, we look for talent in both software and across business. It is about people who want to move things forward and are willing to not only use their expertise, be it in Marketing or NodeJS, but also push themselves to find creative solutions to problems. 4. Was macht euch zu einem guten Arbeitgeber? You have real responsibility. There is no "process" that tells you what the right answers are and you will be given the freedom to make actual decisions. Unless you go found a company yourself, you will not be pushed this hard to learn and become an expert. 5. Wie sieht der perfekte Bewerber für euch aus? Learns fast and has drive. You don't want to wait 20 years to get to the top of the hill, you want to build a new mountain. Whether it is coding, design, marketing, or sales, you have the personality that wants to get things done. If you want to sit back or be comfortable all the time, don't bother applying. Thank you!