

Der Online-Karrieretag in Hamburg am Donnerstag, 23.10.2014, war ein voller Erfolg für alle Beteiligten! Im Nachhinein haben wir noch einige Interviews unserer Aussteller für euch, die über die Vorzüge der Digitalbranche und ihres Unternehmens, den perfekten Bewerber sowie ihren konkreten Mitarbeiterbedarf im Online-Bereich sprechen. Heute im Interview: Carlos Borges, CEO bei TripRebel. positive 1 Why are you represented on our Online-Karrieretag 2014 in Hamburg? We are a tech startup based in Hamburg and have a B2C product. It makes completely sense to participate in such event for several reasons: 1) Position us in the tech scene in Hamburg 2) Create awareness among the employee market about our brand and product 3) Start a dialogue with potential candidates that will help us fuel early-stage growth 4) Network with other service providers. We came out of the Online-Karrieretag 2014 with 3 appointments with potential partners 2 Why is the digital industry so interesting for your company? As a tech startup we live in the digital environment. So being part of this eco-system is mandatory for us. I believe that the prospects of Hamburg in the digital space are very good and see year after year more player establishing themselves in the market and startups having a go too. We are among them and are there to play our role in growing the digital sector in Hamburg. 3 In what areas are you seeking for new employees? We are currently seeking two software developers. One for the front-end and another for the back-end. However we already have in perspective further positions in Online Marketing and Customer Service, which should open next year. It is surely not easy to find the best candidate for such positions, especially for the tech openings. I think events like the Online-Karrieretag offers the right platform to get in touch with potential candidates in a very efficient way. 4 What makes you a good employer? We are a funded early stage startup. In my opinion, this is the most exciting period of a startup life… the team is small but not too small. That means you don’t need to do everything yourself and at the same time, have the freedom to shape your area of responsibility. As the company grows, the early team members take on much more responsibility in a short period of time. It is a steep career path and a great ride! Beyond that, being a travel company, we made sure to create a travel friendly environment with unlimited holiday leave, flexible working hours and full remote work during Christmas time. 5 What needs a perfect candidate to have? He or she needs to love travel… only than you can feel motivated in helping your fellow travellers to have a better experience when planning a trip. We are also looking for international aspiring candidates, fluent in different languages and who are confortable in very different corners of the world. We value a lot attention to detail and intrinsic motivation... we look at what people have created in their free time. Only the ones who have the drive to create stuff out of intrinsic motivation can thrive in an early startup environment. Last but not least, we are looking for people who are confortable with complete transparency and openness... that is the kind of culture we are creating at TripRebel. Company culture comes strongly from the values of the early employees, so we need to control for that when hiring. Thanks!